Aptitude Tests Music 2024

25.10.2023 In spring 2024, the aptitude tests in the music division will take place again. The deadline for registration for all study areas is the 15th of March.

Classical, Pedagogy, Composition

The entry exams in the study areas Classical, Composition and Pedagogy will take place on site. The registration deadlines is the 15th March, 2024.
Further information regarding registration can be found in the individual courses:

Bachelor of Arts Music Classical
Master of Arts Music Composition 
Master of Arts Music Pedagogy – Classical Music
Master of Arts Music Pedagogy – Music S II
Master of Arts Music Performance – Classical
Master of Arts Specialized Music Performance – Classical


The HKB Jazz entrance exams will most certainly take place physically in 2024. We are trying to keep this option open for as long as possible, however we are also planning a digital alternative, should this be required. In any case, please apply as usual, and we will let you know as soon as we can! For further information please visit our programme sites:

Bachelor of Arts Jazz
Master of Arts Music Pedagogy – Jazz 
Master of Arts Music Performance – Jazz

Sound Arts

The entry exams will take place on site or online via video application. The deadline for registration is the 15th March, and the deadline for the submission of work samples is the 31st March. Further details: hkb-soundarts.ch/anmeldung

Bachelor of Arts Sound Arts

Swiss Opera Studio

The entry exams for opera will take place on site or online with video recordings. Details regarding the exam procedure can be found on this website as of the 1st February, 2024. The registration deadlines are the 15th March, 2024. Further information is available directly from the Opera degree program:

Master of Arts Specialized Music Performance – Opera

Wir wünschen allen gute Gesundheit und freuen uns, Sie kennen zu lernen – ein Musikstudium ist gerade in Covid19- Zeiten eine besondere Chance, über die Bedeutung von Kultur nachzudenken und die Zukunft als Soloperformer*in Klassik und Jazz, als Orchester- oder Kammermusiker*in, Komponist*in, Lehrperson, Musik- und Tanzvermittler*in, als Forschende, sound artist und mit vielen anderen Künstlerprofilen aktiv mitzuprägen.

Die Fachbereichsleitung der HKB Musik