SINTA Online Lecture Planetary Humanities: On Relational and Interdisciplinary Methodologies

Public lecture with Prof. Georgina Born as part of the Topics, Theories, and Methods in the Humanities, Cultural Studies, and Social Sciences doctoral program Studies in the Arts SINTA.

22.05.2023, 6.15pm–8pm – online via Zoom

Graphic of concentric circles with indicated white solar system against black background showing planets and human figures in orbits.

How can we conceptualise a future for the humanities that respects and honours the need for decolonisation but does not set out only from a basis in critical identity politics, and that retains a concern for progressive leaps in epistemology? In this lecture, with reference to a program of planetary anthropological research on the digitization of music in the global South and North, Georgina Born outlines a set of ambitious conceptual and methodological principles for the future humanities centred on relational and interdisciplinary, yet still critical, perspectives. Such reflexive principles open out hopeful vistas beyond the fundamental impasses dogging the inherited, traditional disciplines.
